Setup an extension API server
Administer a Cluster
Access Clusters Using the Kubernetes API (EN)
Access Services Running on Clusters (EN)
Advertise Extended Resources for a Node (EN)
Autoscale the DNS Service in a Cluster (EN)
Change the Reclaim Policy of a PersistentVolume (EN)
Change the default StorageClass (EN)
Cluster Management (EN)
Configure Multiple Schedulers (EN)
Configure Out Of Resource Handling (EN)
Configure Quotas for API Objects (EN)
Control CPU Management Policies on the Node (EN)
Control Topology Management Policies on a node (EN)
Customizing DNS Service (EN)
Debugging DNS Resolution (EN)
Declare Network Policy (EN)
Developing Cloud Controller Manager (EN)
Enabling Endpoint Slices (EN)
Encrypting Secret Data at Rest (EN)
Guaranteed Scheduling For Critical Add-On Pods (EN)
IP Masquerade Agent User Guide (EN)
Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager (EN)
Limit Storage Consumption (EN)
Namespaces Walkthrough (EN)
Operating etcd clusters for Kubernetes (EN)
Reconfigure a Node's Kubelet in a Live Cluster (EN)
Reserve Compute Resources for System Daemons (EN)
Safely Drain a Node while Respecting the PodDisruptionBudget (EN)
Securing a Cluster (EN)
Set Kubelet parameters via a config file (EN)
Set up High-Availability Kubernetes Masters (EN)
Share a Cluster with Namespaces (EN)
Using CoreDNS for Service Discovery (EN)
Using NodeLocal DNSCache in Kubernetes clusters (EN)
Using a KMS provider for data encryption (EN)
Using sysctls in a Kubernetes Cluster (EN)
Accessing Clusters
Use Port Forwarding to Access Applications in a Cluster
Provide Load-Balanced Access to an Application in a Cluster
Use a Service to Access an Application in a Cluster
删除 StatefulSet
Create an External Load Balancer
List All Container Images Running in a Cluster
Configure DNS for a Cluster
Federation - Run an App on Multiple Clusters
Access Clusters Using the Kubernetes API (EN)
Advertise Extended Resources for a Node (EN)
Autoscale the DNS Service in a Cluster (EN)
Configure Multiple Schedulers (EN)
Configure Out Of Resource Handling (EN)
Configure Quotas for API Objects (EN)
Control Topology Management Policies on a node (EN)
Debugging DNS Resolution (EN)
Developing Cloud Controller Manager (EN)
Enabling Endpoint Slices (EN)
Encrypting Secret Data at Rest
IP Masquerade Agent User Guide (EN)
Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager (EN)
Limit Storage Consumption (EN)
Namespaces Walkthrough (EN)
Operating etcd clusters for Kubernetes (EN)
Reconfigure a Node's Kubelet in a Live Cluster (EN)
Reserve Compute Resources for System Daemons (EN)
Safely Drain a Node while Respecting the PodDisruptionBudget (EN)
Securing a Cluster (EN)
Set up High-Availability Kubernetes Masters (EN)
Share a Cluster with Namespaces (EN)
Using CoreDNS for Service Discovery (EN)
Using NodeLocal DNSCache in Kubernetes clusters (EN)
Using a KMS provider for data encryption (EN)
使用 Calico 来提供 NetworkPolicy
使用 Romana 来提供 NetworkPolicy
使用 Weave 网络来提供 NetworkPolicy
关键插件 Pod 的调度保证
在 Kubernetes 中配置私有 DNS 和上游域名服务器
在 Kubernetes 集群中使用 sysctl
将 kubeadm 集群在 v1.8 版本到 v1.9 版本之间升级/降级
改变默认 StorageClass
更改 PersistentVolume 的回收策略
设置 Pod CPU 和内存限制
通过配置文件设置 Kubelet 参数
Extend kubectl with plugins (EN)
使用 Service 把前端连接到后端
同 Pod 内的容器使用共享卷通信
基于Replication Controller执行滚动升级
对 DaemonSet 执行回滚
调度 GPU

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使用 Calico 作为 NetworkPolicy

本页展示了两种在 Kubernetes 上快速创建 Calico 集群的方法。


决定您想部署一个 还是 本地 集群。

在 Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 上创建一个 Calico 集群

先决条件: gcloud

  1. 启动一个带有 Calico 的 GKE 集群,只需加上flag --enable-network-policy


    gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] --enable-network-policy


    gcloud container clusters create my-calico-cluster --enable-network-policy
  2. 使用如下命令验证部署是否正确。

    kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system

    Calico 的 pods 名以 calico 打头,检查确认每个 pods 状态为 Running。 <!–

    Creating a local Calico cluster with kubeadm

To get a local single-host Calico cluster in fifteen minutes using kubeadm, refer to the Calico Quickstart. –>

使用 kubeadm 创建一个本地 Calico 集群

在15分钟内使用 kubeadm 得到一个本地单主机 Calico 集群,请参考 Calico 快速入门


集群运行后,您可以按照 声明 Network Policy 去尝试使用 Kubernetes NetworkPolicy。
